How it all started...
New Song Church was started by Larry & Karen Jahnke in 1986 in their home on Northview Lane in Bismarck, ND. Gatherings and services were held in their home until moving into an old waterbed store in 1987. By 1988 services were held in the local Grand Theatre.

Larry Jahnke,
Founding Pastor
Founding Pastor

Waterbed Store

Services at the Grand Theater
"I laugh when he remembers those early services at the Grand Theater - the smell of popcorn that permeated worship, having to cover up some risque movie posters, as well as protecting the statue of Charleton Heston's Moses from climbing Sunday School children, and the worship team had sticky shoes from the pop that had rolled down the aisles from moviegoers. Those were wonderful days!" - Larry Jahnke

Nursery at the Grand Theater

Expanding the vision...
In December of 1989, services began at an old rollerskating rink, Wheel-a-While, and we are still in this location today!

Where we are headed...
After Pastor Larry's 25 years of service, the baton was passed to our current Lead Pastor, Kurt Chaffee, on Sunday, May 29, 2011.
Mission: Connect, Grow, Serve, Deploy
Vision: A church family empowering our community to live in Jesus Christ.
Mission: Connect, Grow, Serve, Deploy
Vision: A church family empowering our community to live in Jesus Christ.